
Picture of team member Kalyn Mitchell

Kalyn Mitchell

Full time GIMM student.

When not doing homework she

enjoys spending time with her

family as well as training her

german shepherd dog.

About Kalyn

Growing Up

Despite being born in San Diego, California, Kalyn has spent a majority of her life here in the Treasure Valley. She grew up in a very loving and fortunate household with her parents and two brothers. Her family is fairly close-knit even as her siblings are growing up and moving away.

Current Life

Currently Kalyn still resides in the Treasure Valley. She now lives with her husband, son, two cats, and German Shepherd Dog. She thoroughly enjoys her schooling and constantly learning new things, which is what interested her in both programming as well as the GIMM major.

She has also recently gained a growing interest in dog training. Devoting her time to learn about different training methods, as well as the four quadrents of training. She has also learned about different sorts of enrichment activities, such as puzzle/slow feeders, decompression walks, and various confidence building exercises. She does all of this in order to help her reactive dog and give him the best life possible.